Pokemon Go, Please Go!

Pokemon Go, Please Go!

I have never really understood the craze of Pokemon Go. As my path has never crossed with a Pokemon-goer, it has never mattered to me that much.

Imagine my surprise whilst in the beautiful Frogner Park in Oslo. It happened whilst I was looking at the amazing but slightly strange sculptures in the park when our paths collided!


Running Away: Is Travel a Form of Escape?

Running Away: Is Travel a Form of Escape?

What are you running away from?

This is the question I am regularly asked when I talk about my travels. My reply has always been nothing, I just enjoy travelling. I love my home but I just want to see more of the world.

But on a more recent trip, it occurred to me that maybe they are right. Maybe I am running away and perhaps I need to be more honest about this.



15 sure signs you are a traveller!

15 sure signs you are a traveller!

So you think you’re a traveller? Identify the signs you are a traveller to find out! But what actually differentiates a traveller from a holiday maker? Find all the answers to your questions here…


Many would say you are both technically on a holiday but one is an extended holiday. However below are a few sure signs that I think are there which show you are a real traveller.



Welcome home page

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Hello and welcome to my travel blog, Walkabout Wanderer.Walkabout Wanderer logo


This is something I have been thinking of doing for years and now I have finally done it. To try and make this more appealing and useful, rather than a blog about ‘where I am in the world’ (which to be honest you can see from my Facebook page), I am going to write different types of posts. Each week I am going to give you some tips which will make your travel easier, a post which will inspire you to travel and also just something which may interest you to read and share on social media if you are interested in traveling.


I really hope you enjoy this blog and please leave comments below if there is anything you would like me to write about. I want this blog to inspire YOU to travel, book your next trip and if its something that you have been thinking of doing for a while then to give you a bit of help to make that leap into the unknown.


Please subscribe and receive weekly emails which ensures you never miss a blog post.


And lastly, thank you for your support.

