How to Survive Marrakesh

How to Survive Marrakesh

Having been to Morocco 3 times over the past 18 months, it is pretty clear that I love Morocco. Coming from the UK, I can be in Africa, submersed into a whole different culture in just 4 hours. However, my love for Morocco is a little bit more than this. But one city has captured my attention – Marrakesh.

Morocco has it all – sea, city, culture, mountains and desert.


Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger Award

I am really pleased to announce that I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Diana and Hope from MVMT blog and later by Outside the bubble. MVMT Blog are two sisters who, following their hike of Trolltunga in Norway, decided to share their tips and experiences on travel. You can follow them on their Facebook page, Pinterest and Twitter and I also recommend that you check out their Instagram as they truly have some amazing photos on there.


To accept this blogger award I need to tell you seven things about myself. Then, I will nominate other bloggers whose blogs I love to read so that I can share them with you to showcase their talents. Other than talking about my travels, I find it very difficult to talk about myself. Therefore, I have asked on my Facebook page and these are what you lovely people want to know:




Running Away: Is Travel a Form of Escape?

Running Away: Is Travel a Form of Escape?

What are you running away from?

This is the question I am regularly asked when I talk about my travels. My reply has always been nothing, I just enjoy travelling. I love my home but I just want to see more of the world.

But on a more recent trip, it occurred to me that maybe they are right. Maybe I am running away and perhaps I need to be more honest about this.



My 8 Top Travel Tips Every Traveller Should Know

My 8 Top Travel Tips Every Traveller Should Know

I’ve been travelling on and off now for the past 10 years and I love working out new ways to travel safer, cheaper and with less stress. In this post, I am going to share with you some of my top travel tips and secrets to help you make the best from your travels.


Please feel free to comment at the end and share any of your travel tips.

