Pokemon Go, Please Go!

Pokemon Go, Please Go!

I have never really understood the craze of Pokemon Go. As my path has never crossed with a Pokemon-goer, it has never mattered to me that much.

Imagine my surprise whilst in the beautiful Frogner Park in Oslo. It happened whilst I was looking at the amazing but slightly strange sculptures in the park when our paths collided!


Trolltunga, Norway: Taking a seat on the Trolls Tongue!

Trolltunga, Norway: Taking a seat on the Trolls Tongue!

I sat on the edge of the rock with my legs hanging freely in the cool air with a 700 metre drop below. Was I scared of falling? No! But was I able to sit a while and take in the surrounding landscape; the beautiful ice capped mountains and the lake below. No. As I was not sitting on the edge of any rock looking at the amazing view. I was on Trolltunga and there was a queue of at least 20 people eager to get a photo on this iconic rock formation.

