As you will know from reading my blog I’m very much a solo traveller. This leads me to get to know a huge amount of new people as I hop from place to place. There are so many different types of travellers and ways to get to know them, and everyone seems to have their own story!
I sometimes bump into couples who are getting married while travelling (or simply are having an overseas wedding). As I’m blessed with the gift of the gab and will talk to anyone I’ve gotten to ask why they’ve made that choice.
Why not turn their responses into a blog post I thought? Below is a summary (as far as my memory serves me) as to why some couples choose to get married abroad.
Beautiful sunsets
There is something magical about a sunset over the ocean as seen from a beach. As well as adding to the romantic aesthetic of the whole day, beach sunsets provide brilliant backdrops for photographs. Your wedding photographer will be au fait with all the current trends and ways to include sunsets to make your photos Instagram-worthy.
Dream locations
Destination weddings are an accepted norm these days, so you will find a vast array of options when it comes to choosing where you want your beach wedding to be. You can choose from the most exotic beach wedding locations or one closer to home. You only (intend) to get married once, so the further and more exotic you can afford, the more amazing your experience will be.
Your Style Is On The Relaxed Side
For the bride, one of the most stressful considerations of getting married is finding the perfect dress. For a beach wedding, you still want the perfect dress, but you are less constrained in your choices and you can be far more casual without needing to go the whole hog with tiara, train, and satin heels. When considering beach wedding attire, Island Cabana offers designer and fashion apparel for the whole family, ideal for the big day.
Your honeymoon in the same place.
There are advantages to already being in your honeymoon destination when you travel to get married. You might miss the traditional send off from a home wedding but you can still toss your bouquet. You can choose to have your ceremony at any point during your vacation and not be restricted to the day before you fly off for your honeymoon, like you would at home.
Holidays for your guests.
It is usually presumed that there will be some friends and/or relatives at your beach wedding. For these guests, travelling to your matrimonial location is an opportunity for a fabulous holiday they might not have considered. They can holiday quite separately to the bride and groom, just coming together for the ceremony, even staying in different accommodation if possible.
Considerably shorter guest list
And talking of guests, when you choose a destination wedding, you inevitably have a much shorter guest list than if you were getting married at home. You will probably just invite your most important friends and closest family members. This often solve problems of having to invite people you don’t particularly want at your celebration and can avoid tricky issues such as not having to have a dozen cousins as your bridesmaids and page boys.
You can save a lot of money
Don’t underestimate how much you can save by choosing a beach wedding. The average American wedding costs around $30,000 to stage. That is a lot of money, even if you have been saving for your big day for a long time. With a beach wedding, you can usually buy a complete package with the only variable being how many guests need to be catered for. Most guests would also expect to foot their own bill for attending, as they are indeed, as mentioned above, getting a vacation.
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